Cintia Jaime

Prename /Name
Cintia Jaime

Swiss / Argentine

Spanish / English / German / Italian / French

Lawyer University of Buenos Aires, with a post-degree in NPO Governance Leadership & Management at the CEPS, University of Basel as well as a broad Education in art performances.

Lawyer with a post-degree in NPO Governance Leadership & Management at the CEPS, University of Basel as well as a broad Education in art performance. Cintia is a published writer, founder of Tanzpalast Cultural Centre.
She developed numerous cultural events and festival of interdisciplinary and international character. In 2008, she moved from cultural to social entrepreneurship. She is a co-founder of the “Fondation SapoCycle” .
After her thesis “Economic Migration and the Demographic Explosion in Urban Areas” she created with Daniel Winzenried and a team of experts the ES VICIS Foundation and became its leader.
Within a cooperation model the EVF’s brought a measurable solution to re-migration and rural repopulation. Since 2017 she teaches global social entrepreneurship at the Centre of Philanthropy Basel (Ceps) of the Basel University and encourages other entrepreneurs to take actions to the various challenges this world is facing.

Title & Role at ES VICIS
Founder & Excecutive Manager

M +41 79 345 93 13