Our Organization

Who We Are

ES VICIS Foundation is a non-profit based in Switzerland.
Together with local residents, we empower communities in socioeconomically challenged
areas, both in Switzerland and worldwide.

We strengthen communities – ES VICIS offers a structured, operationalised, and proven process and methodologies to support localities in revitalising themselves.

We bridge divides – ES VICIS facilitates platforms for debates and knowledge exchange between urban and rural communities, various interest groups, and partners.

Board Members

The interdisciplinary Board of Trustees of ES VICIS includes members with a broad spectrum of experience in international affairs, economics, environment, and culture. The Board of Trustees is chaired by Johannes Matyassy.

The Operational Team

 The Operational Director is co-founder Cintia Jaime. The foundation comprises an interdisciplinary team with extensive experience in analyzing and developing economic opportunities, especially in rural areas facing demographic challenges due to rural-urban migration. 

The team works with a three-pillar program: “Welcome to My Village – Integration of New Residents,” “Entrepreneurship – Evaluation and Development of Entrepreneurship and Projects,” and “Housing – Construction of New Housing.” 

The participatory approach – developing and sharing knowledge together – ensures rapid multiplication.

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