Our 6-Phase Model

The Village Journey: 6 Key Phases

The “Welcome to My Village” model operates in six structured phases, split into two stages: the first three focus on revitalization, while the last three address repopulation, ensure autonom capacity to continuo growing and project evaluations. The entire process generally spans 3-4 years.

Phases 1-3: Revitalization: Local authorities and residents collaborate to identify opportunities and create projects that address community needs. Financial partners are engaged to ensure project success.

Phases 4-5: Repopulation: Urban families are targeted and matched with business and employment opportunities, initiating a structured repopulation effort.

Phase 6: Evaluations and Sustainability: This phase ensures the process is embedded locally through training and evaluation, enabling future cycles to proceed without external support.

A Village's Journey- ES VICIS Foundation

Powered by Digital Platform​​

With the invaluable support of Salesforce, a global leader in CRM systems, we developed a tailored operating system designed specifically for our six-phase model. This system is shared with our operational partners, enabling them to manage projects comprehensively and efficiently while facilitating real-time evaluation and monitoring. Additionally, it incorporates an impact matrix that tracks critical variables often overlooked by governments or local chambers. This tool has become indispensable for identifying business opportunities, analyzing the real estate market, and streamlining the onboarding process for new residents.

The 6-Phase Model in Detail

Community-Building Phases

Duration: 9 – 12 month

  • Identifying local leaders: and focus groups
  • Training and coaching: process with meaningful dialogues for idenfifying projects to strengthen community structure, socioeconomic business opportunities
  • Support in building the community and forming Support Commitee to carry out revitalization.  
  • Finding and committing dedicated financial partners for projects.

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  • CRM for Contact Management and Communication
  • Local Engagement Assessment and Monitoring
  • Change Agents and Focus Groups: Evaluations and tracking evolution.
  • Housing Mapping Opportunities
  • Regional Project Management Module
  • Commitment Cooperation Partners
  • KPI Definitions.

Research and Assessment

Duration: 4 months

  • Systematically mapping projects onto the digital ES VICIS model for socioeconomic and ecological development
  • Deep assessments – Indicators will be selected to enhance, without overlapping, the existing assessments.  
  • Developing a list of business opportunities (upon identification of products and services needed to foster socioeconomic development) 
  • By identifying the village’s profile, we can create projects designed to unleash its potential.
  • Developing housing options for residents and newcomers.
  • Assisting the community in drawing urban newcomers and welcoming processes. 

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  • Baselines
  • Assessments Matrix Module
  • Integrated Data Collection Instruments for Deep Assessments:
  • Panels and reports for assessments evaluations: Tracking progress in real-time.
  • List creation for business opportunities to match Urban Candidates.

Addressing and Relocating Newcomers

 Duration 18-24 months

  • Seeking urban  individuals with appropriate qualifications for the defined jobs/business opportunities.
  • Support in developing and implementing business plans.
  • Focus groups for sustainable community development—regular meetings always involving the community.
  • Developing a multi-year plan.

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  • Urban Candidate’s Flow real time track
  • Urban Newcomer Analysis and Opportunity Matching
  • Urban Newcomer: Social and Economic Progress Monitoring
  • New Businesses/ Entrepreneurs Evaluations
  • Social Projects Monitoring and Evaluation

Results and Evaluation: 

Duration: 6 months

  • Evaluating the projects.
  • Sharing insights and making adjustments as needed.
  • Ensuring local autonomy for sustainable development.
  • Ensuring young people are empowered for the local economy and starting a new cycle of the ES VICIS 6-phase model.

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  • Evaluating Project (KPI) final assessments
  • Panels and Reports contrasting baselines
Phase 4 und 5

Ansprache und Umzug Neuzuzüger:innen: Dauer rund 26 Monate

  • Für die definierten Projekte werden Menschen mit den entsprechenden Qualifikationen gesucht
  • Begleitung bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Geschäftsplänen 
  • Fokusgruppen für nachhaltige Gemeindeentwicklung – in regelmässigen Treffen, immer unter Einbezug der Gemeinschaft
  • Mehrjahresplan entwickeln 

Resultate und Auswertung: 6 Monate

  • Auswertung der Projekte 
  • Erkenntnisse teilen und wo nötig Anpassungen vornehmen
  • Gewährleistung der lokalen Autonomie für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
  • Sicherstellung der Befähigung junger Menschen für die lokale Wirtschaft und den Start einen neuen Zyklus des ES VICIS 6-Phasen-Modells
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