
Advocacy Strategy

Founded in 2016, the same year the UN’s New Urban Agenda was adopted at its Quito conference, our foundation emerged as a response to the growing global imbalance between urban and rural areas. The agenda’s emphasis on rapid urbanization sidelined rural communities, reducing them to mere producers of agricultural raw materials and excluding them from opportunities comparable to those available in cities. This institutional bias shaped international policy decisions, fueling today’s socio-economic disparities between urban centers and rural regions.

In response, ES VICIS was created to demonstrate that rural repopulation is not only viable but essential. Argentina was chosen as our pilot country due to the strong support from the Swiss Embassy and its proactive partnership with local governments committed to reversing urban overpopulation and rural exodus. These criteria continue to guide our country selection process for future projects.

Our advocacy extends beyond fieldwork. We actively contribute to global discussions, launch targeted media campaigns, and establish platforms for dialogue among businesses, academia, public agencies, and NGOs. This collaborative approach amplifies our mission to inspire and implement transformative public policies that create equitable opportunities for all communities.

The increasing urbanization leads to an imbalance, resulting in many challenges for the economy, society and politics. The overarching global challenges facing all companies today revolve around sustainability, centralization, and the impacts of climate change.  This is where the ES VICIS Foundation comes in: by developing solutions to sustainably counter ongoing urbanization and support communities in structurally weak regions. In Switzerland and worldwide.

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